Our Aim
Our aim is to provide each child with the opportunity to play in a creative environment increasing essential, social and emotional development.
Our Approach
Balloon Circus works directly with children in difficult circumstances at a grass roots level.
We reach as many children as possible to provide them with something that can be forgotten in the face of adversity – a child’s right to play.
We work alongside other charities, complementing the amazing work already taking place.
In addition to providing a fun and educational day, we leave a circus pack in each place for the children to enjoy after we leave.
What We Achieve
Balloon Circus works directly with underprivileged children at a grass roots level.
We reach as many children as possible to provide them with something that can be forgotten in the face of adversity – a child’s right to play.
We work along side other charities, complementing the amazing work already taking place.
In addition to providing a fun, educational day, we leave a circus pack in each place for the children to enjoy after we leave.

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Balloon Circus
Balloon Circus gathers together the passions and skills of its entertainers into an exciting, educational experience. We create memories that never fade.
When you lose your parents as a child, you are indoctrinated into a club, you re taken into life’s severest confidence. You are undeceived .
Orphanages are the only places that ever left me feeling empty and full at the same time.
It seemed like an unachievable goal for one person to bring sunshine to one hundred little faces when what they need is a mother apiece.
Street Kids Vs Street Artists
Balloon Circus held an exhibition of postcard sized artworks drawn by the children from our last tour in Asia alongside Street Art kindly donated by:
Jeff Gillette, Haqq (U.R.), Kev Munday, Stencil Shed, Garry Milne, Panik, David Walker, Sean Duffell, Actress & Skeleton Cardboard.
only £12 (incl P&P)
please click on the link